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Egbie's love of bows started at a young age, and as a boy growing up on a small holding in Gauteng, South Africa, he used to make bows from sticks with a piece of string, and arrows from the stalks of a weed called Khaki bush. Broadheads were made from a spoon, sharpened by rubbing it on a rock until it was shaped.

These bows he used for "hunting"  Guinea fowl or basically anything, that would sit still long enough for him to get a shot at them. Obviously with little to no success.

As young adult he joined the South African Police Force and became a Forensic ballistic expert, learning all about bullet trajectories, flight paths, kinetic energy, terminal ballistics and wound ballistics.

Rifles and firearms replaced bows for a number of years, but on a hunting trip in 2011 he shoots a compound bow for the first time and low and behold, shoots a "Robin Hood" .
Needless to say his love of bows is re-ignited and in 2013 he buys a Mathews Drenalin solocam compound. 

Three months later he kills his first Impala and since then, there was no looking back. Hunting whenever he could afford, his biggest kill being an Eland and his smallest, a Guinea fowl, he has successfully hunted  seventeen animals with the bow since then.

In May 2018 a friend of his makes his first kill with a Scythian recurve, and suddenly something new started stirring. Egbie's first attempt at a traditional bow, was a Self-bow made out of bamboo flooring boards. Two days were spent shaping and tillering the bow, only to have it break on the second shot.

This however didn't deter him and after about four months of heartbreaking failures and hours of Youtube videos, he finally builds his first succesfull Scythian Recurve. (The one shown in the gallery) Fast enough to hunt with at 45# @ 28".

Once he had the "recipe" right, the rest was history.

He currently builds five designs, The Scythian Recurve, The take-down recurve, The 56" Hybrid longbow, the 64" Takedown Longbow and an Ibeam design takedown bow, soon to be available with both recurve and longbow limbs. All can be viewed on the products page.

Every bow manufactured by EBC Bows, is handcrafted by Egbie and great care and effort goes into ensuring that each bow is of the highest quality and  performance.

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